(CNN) -- It's a child's dream And here's the kicker: No school to rush off to.
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sales to go, analysts and other Apple watchers were already weighing in with their estimates for the iPhone 3Gs three-day launch.Apple car insurance in ga Stores Have IPhones; AT&T Is Mostly Sold Out (Update1) BloombergApple's iPhone 3G Launch Filled With Great Fanfare, Dismay DailyTechVicksburg Post - eFluxMedia - car insurance in ga Forbes - Los Angeles Timesall 2,185 news articles New satellite images show that an Antarctic ice shelf continues to disintegrate, and even car insurance in ga more surprising is that it's happening during the Antarctic winter. Between acres of aboveground tombs that are New Orleans' way to car insurance in ga inter the dead, there is a strip of land that is an empty tribute to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Some car insurance in ga voters on the far left believe they're seeing Obama shift positions on the Iraq war, wiretapping and other issues, and they car insurance in ga don't like it. Andre the two-legged dog was rescued last winter when a woman noticed the animal trailing blood across a car insurance in ga country road. But Nelson Mandela moved slowly, leaning on his wife and on a white cane as he crossed the stage car insurance in ga to adoring cheers. housing crisis began, as lenders have made it tougher to get credit amid falling home prices, according to car insurance in ga a survey by Deloitte Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is insisting that if Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac need rescuing, car insurance in ga the plan should not benefit shareholders of the giant mortgage finance firms, the Wall Street Journal said on Saturday. Investor's Business car insurance in ga Daily - 1 The mortgage finance giants halved intraday after the NYT said the gov't is mulling a takeover, even as
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many analysts downplayed capital fears Fannie shares ended down 22% and Freddie 3% in a wild session. AFP - Federal authorities car insurance in ga are investigating Washington Nationals general manager Jim Bowden and special assistant Jose Rijo for possible roles regarding Major League Baseball signings car insurance in ga of players from the Dominican Republic, US television sports network ESPN reported Saturday. Reuters - Serbia's new government will focus on car insurance in ga quick entry into the European Union, strengthening the country's economy and keeping Kosovo as a part of Serbia, Prime Minister designate car insurance in ga Mirko Cvetkovic said on Monday. AP - Pope Benedict XVI said Saturday he wants to wake up consciences on climate change car insurance in ga during his pilgrimage in Australia. The results are interesting, showing that buzz levels for each movie seem to be equal as car insurance in ga they spike and decline in the days before and after the opening Iron Man went from 0.182 to 0.486 percent of car insurance in ga all blog posts and Speed Racer went from 0.055 to 0.195 percent of all messages measured by BlogPulse. The buzz level for car insurance in ga Indiana Jones three days before was 0.273 percent of all messages well beyond Iron Man which has been the biggest blockbuster car insurance in ga this year Jones. Isaac Hayes, the man who made "Shaft" a household song (shut your mouth!) and then became the mouth car insurance in ga of "Chef," the libidinous cafeteria cook on Comedy Central's "South Park," is today's second most-blogged-about personality for quitting the show (today's car insurance in ga top news story) And boy, are bloggers taking off Is it a case of extreme victimization, asks Currency Lad? TVGasm files
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the news in the "are you kidding me?" edition Frankly, sometimes the masters of ceremonies at the Oscar shows are as car insurance in ga good as, or better than, any of the performances that occur elsewhere on stage, and this year's MC duties by "The car insurance in ga Daily Show's" Jon Stewart might just be enough to convince me to tune in at 8 p.m So how many others car insurance in ga might do the same? And how does Stewart stack up against some of this year's other leading hunks? Holding his own car insurance in ga quite well, thank you...